
A Detailed And Comprehensive Guide To Dog Health And Grooming

It is important to understand that when it comes to dog health and grooming, there are several aspects to understand. You need to do everything you can to ensure that you meet cover all the aspects of his inward and outward well-being.

Instead of trying something you have never before have, ensure that each and every aspect is covered. A majority of the most important things you have to perform is when your canine companion is a just little pup. This is exactly the time when you try installing as many healthy habits as you can when he is young and growing.

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A lot of dog owners just think about performing keeping the dog physically fit and healthy when talking about dog grooming, however, it is important to understand there are other aspects of his health that you need to take into account.

Although his physical health matters significantly so does his mental health – which is why you must expose him to different things around you. This is where socialization comes into play. You need to expose him to different people and other dog breeds and ensure that the encounter is safe, pleasant and does not end up scaring the dog or the person he is meeting.

A dog that has a healthy interaction at a young age will always show signs of happiness and content. Moreover, this will benefit him, as he grows old.

Dog Health and Grooming

The Importance Of Healthy Dog Food

What you feed your dog is what is going to determine his physical and mental health. Like humans, dogs also need a combination of several vitamins and minerals to grow strong with a healthy immune system, which helps to ward off infectious diseases and viruses. The only way you can do that is to feed him organic and natural dog food.

Dog food allergies have become quite a serious problem throughout the US. There is no way of telling what food component your dog is allergic to, which is why feeding him a commercial brand can exasperate his symptoms leading to several medical complications.

This is where you must always rely on hypoallergenic dog food products that contain organically processed ingredients.

Moreover, natural dog food contains human-grade meat and lean protein. This means the meat your dog will eat will come from cattle, fish or poultry that is organically farmed and have not been subjected to antibiotics and growth hormones such as GMO based dog food brands.

More than basic dog health and grooming, the best way of keeping your pooch on his paws and strong is to feed him natural foods.

Dog Grooming – What It Is And All The Benefits Associated With It

Dog grooming envelopes both the cleanliness of the dog and his total hygienic care – but it also refers to a specific process that most dog owners practice to enhance the appearance of their dogs. However, we are referring to its important as a way of keeping your dog clean and healthy.

There is no question grooming your canine buddy is a means of enhancing his wellbeing and improving his chances of living a long, healthy life. While some dogs require frequent grooming, others require daily grooming. However, that depends on the type of breed you own, his health level and his age.

For example, if your dog is just a puppy right now, you don’t need to groom him on a frequent basis because he will be quite sensitive at that tender age.

Frequent or regular dog health and grooming are an effective means to keeping your pet comfortable, clean and healthy in the long-run. On the other, it worth noting that while most dog breeds, there are breeds that do not shed fur.

For example, a Poodle does not shed as frequently as other breeds and it important to get a Poodle groomed professionally every two months. In light of this, mentioned below is a list of the primary reasons for dog health and grooming:


  • Helps minimize the risk of several skin related diseases such as scratched and thrush
  • Helps enhance the appearance of the dog
  • ​Overall cleanliness of your pooch
  • ​Grooming is a good way of ascertaining the health of your dog and allows for a thorough inspection of his coat, fur, and skin. You can look for several things such as inflammation, swelling, cuts, etc.
  • ​Grooming is also a nice way forming a strong bond with your canine pal
  • ​Helps considerably minimize parasite and flea infestation on the skin
  • ​Grooming is a sure shot way of minimizing dog shedding – you can quickly and safely remove all the dead fur, allowing healthier fur and shine to prevail
  • Brushing your dog’s coat regularly can act as powerful stimulation for the dog – enhancing his blood flow. The same is true of shampooing him, gently massaging his body
  • ​You can remove dead skin, which helps keep the coat shiny and allows for stimulation that helps release natural oils
  • You can eliminate tick and fleas
  • Trimming your dog’s toenails is important to reduce the chances of paw pain and joint complications when walking or running on overgrown toenails
  • ​Trimming your canine’s hair around his eyes and ears can reduce the chances of eye irritation and will help steer him clear of contracting ear or eye infections
  • ​Cleaning your dog’s ear also reduces the risk of mites and ear infections
  • Brushing his teeth can help maintain his oral hygiene and reduce the chances of gum infection
  • Dental health also eliminates the risk of bad breath and gingivitis
  • Significantly minimizes the bad odor coming from the dog, which can spread throughout your household

Important Dog Grooming Tips

Like humans need a good grooming pattern to stay healthy and to look good, dogs need a similar type of routine to keep up a healthy and clean appearance.

Grooming not only helps keeps the animal free from skin infections and other diseases; it is also a good way to strengthen your bond with the creature. In regards to this, mentioned below is a comprehensive list of effective tips you can implement to ensure your dog stays healthy both on the inside and out:

When you are in the practice stages of dog health and grooming, it is important to approach your canines buddy with a positive and reassuring attitude. You need to be patient, especially in the beginning and you will need to use plenty of dog treats.

You need to take things slow at first and gradually add more grooming strategies as your dog begins to understand become used to what you do to him. Approaching dog grooming with a bad or frustrated attitude will only make thing hard, and your dog will begin to give your problems. If you aren't in a good mood, it is always better to groom him later.

When it comes to toenail clipping, the first thing you must do is to consult a professional dog groomer. This especially important for people that need to clip dog toenails regularly.

Bathing The Canine

Should I Do It Regularly Or Frequently?

Unless your pooch as becomes filthy or has gotten into something that has tangled his fur, it is important to give him a bath every two or four months. It is important to understand that if you bathe your dog regularly, his skin will end up being dry, making it devoid of natural skin oils.


Getting Started

First, it is vital to buy shampoo that is specifically made for dogs. Do not use what you use, don’t even try to experiment with it. Human shampoos contain plenty of chemicals that does not harm us but can be quite damaging for dogs.

To begin, place a thick towel on the surface so he doesn’t slip in the tub or the sink or wherever that is you bath your dog. Gently lather the coat of the animal and then use plenty of water to ensure you get the shampoo out completely.

It is important you don’t mistakenly leave shampoo residue on his coat. Moreover, ensure the lather does not get into his eyes, mouth, nose and ears, especially when you are rinsing him.

Brushing The Dog

Should I Do It Regularly Or Not?

Brushing your dog’s fur coat regularly is a very good practice, irrespective of how thick or long the coat is. That is because brushing helps get rid of dead fur or hair and helps his skin stimulate the production of natural oil that keeps the coat shiny and healthy.

In addition to this, these natural oils also help maintain the skin moisturized. However, if you are starting out, brush your dog’s coat every other day.

Getting Started

There different varieties of dog grooming brushes and combs available. While some combs and brushes are designed for general use, other types are made for specific purposes. Some general examples of the types of general grooming brushes include pin-head brushes and combs.

Brushes for specific grooming include shedding bladed or a slicker brush.

Although these brushes are useful for getting rid of your dog’s dead coat or hair mats, it is important to realize that you cannot use them for general brushing as it may damage your dog’s skin. You can also use finishing slicker combs and brushes, which can help make all the fringe and frizz to look fluffy.

However, these brushes do not have some bristles to be used as generally. Therefore, when you are out looking for dog grooming brushes it is important to keep all the factors in mind, you need to list all the reasons what you need the brush for and then select accordingly.

On the other hand, if you are using a brush on a puppy, keep in mind that he will chew on it and will not enjoy the brushing initially. To make him used to it, put the brush in front of him and allow him to smell it, and then start to brush him gently.

You can also use dog treats to reward him if he behaves. Furthermore, when you start brushing him, keep the activity brief and gradually increase the time. You need to familiarize him and to ensure he enjoys the experience. Moreover, remember, you need to have a positive attitude.

Grooming His Feet

Keeping your canine buddy's feet clean and toenails clipped is pretty beneficial. Also, this isn't just because the dog will look nice and neat, but it is also because things like iceballs, salts, rock, etc. will not stick to his feet. These are all things that can make your dog uncomfortable and can also lead to infections and other medical complications.

Should I Clean His Feet On A Daily Basis?

Well, you should always inspect his feet after you two come back from a walk or when you to take him to the park to play with him. However, if he remains indoors most of the days then inspecting him on a daily basis isn't necessary.

Getting Started

The best way to groom your dog's feet is to use proper grooming scissors. Carefully use the dog scissors on the top of his feet. Be sure to place protective pads below the feet before you start trimming the toenails. Be very careful not to trim beneath the foot of your pooch or between all his toes.

Taking Care Of The Nails

Because dog nails are curved, and that they also grow this way, if you allow his nails to grow too long, there is a strong possibility that if he runs or walks fast the nails will further curve and stick him right beneath the feet. The splaying of his nails may even cause injury and can also be pretty uncomfortable for him.

On top of that, long toenails may also break his toes or fingers. The best way to avoid a harrowing situation is to clip his nails on a frequent basis. If you take care of this, you and also considerably minimize the chance of torn nails.

Plus, as your dog is likely to run around in your home, with big nails, he may even damage your carpet, the upholstery, and your wooden floor.

Should I Trim His Nails Every Day?

Inspect your dog's toenails every two to three weeks. As a rule of thumb, if you hear a clicking sound when your dog walks or runs around in the house, it means that his nails have grown.

Getting Started

When it comes to trimming dog nails, there are two methodologies you can opt for. Both styles are designed to do the job, but the methods also depend on how comfortable you are with using the two nail clippers.

However, the blade on a nail clipper is quite sharp, which means it is important to be able clearly to see where you are cutting so that you don’t accidently clip a vein. In case that happens, it is necessary to keep some styptic powder handy to stop the bleeding.

Where Should I Clip His Nails?

In case your canine friend has white nails, trimming dog nails can be easy as you will be able to clearly see his vein because of the translucency. This way you will be able to get rid of the tip of the toenail and not risk clipping anywhere near the vein.

But some dogs have black nails, and if this is the case with your dog, you won’t be able to see the vein. This means you will have to gently and steadily clip the tip of the nail piece by piece. After about a few clips, his vein will begin to show – they are oval in shape.

This is when you must stop clipping his nails. On the other hand, if you clip his toenails on a daily basis, you will see a hook shape formed at the tip of the thicker part of his toenail. You can clip this hooked nail as well.

Clipping A Puppy’s Nail

When you are clipping a puppy’s toenail, it is important to start very slow. Just like the brush or the comb, you need to familiarize your puppy with the dog clippers. Let him sniff the clippers first, make him hear the sound those clippers make and gently let him feel the Clippers by pressing it against his tiny paws.

If you manage to clip a single nail, consider it a success. It is also important to remember that when you start clipping puppy nails, it may take a week or ten days to get them all done. Upon clipping one nail, give your puppy a tasty treat as a reward. Start and end with positivity.

Grooming Dog Ears

Nothing is more important than keeping the inside part of your dog’s ears clean to minimize his chances of getting an ear infection. Frequently inspecting the exterior part of his ear will also tell you whether or not the dog has fleas or ticks outside the ear as well determining whether or not he has some other problem.

How Frequently Should I Clean His Ears?

You should inspect and clean your dog’s ears once every week.

Getting Started

There are some different things you can use to clean your dog’s ears. You can use a baby wipe, firmly wrap it around your fingers and clean both the interior and exterior of his ears. Or you can use gauze or a cotton ball to do the trick.

Refrain from using water to clean his ear because water does not evaporate quickly or easily and can travel inside his ear. Plus, remember to clean the inside of your dog’s ear using your finger and stick your finger as far as it can penetrate inside.

Refrain from using Q-tips or any other thing that can damage the ear drum. On the other hand, if you are cleaning your dog’s ears and see a weird fluid or discharge coming out of it, immediately take him to see the veterinarian.

Cleaning Your Pooch’s Teeth

Dogs are susceptible to the same kinds of oral complications and diseases as we humans are. For example, poor oral hygiene can lead to gum inflammation, halitosis, gingivitis, cavities, tartar, and plaque buildup.

In addition to this, the bacteria formed on his gum may easily travel down his system and flow through the bloodstream, which will, in turn, lead to several other medical complications. Cleaning your dog’s teeth on a daily basis can help maintain your dog’s overall health.

And you will also be able to save a lot of money by not having to go to your veterinarian.

When Should I Clean His Teeth?

Clean your canine buddy’s teeth twice or thrice every week.

Getting Started

There are different types of health care supplies and dog grooming tools that are designed to help clean their teeth easily and comfortably. You can use a finger cap that acts as a safe scrubber and can effectively clean your dog’s teeth without hurting him.

Or you can also use some gauze, wrap it around your finger and use it to clean his canines and other teeth. Refrain from using human toothpaste because it contains chemicals that may upset his stomach. Moreover, the toothpaste will also foam a lot and will be difficult to rinse it.

You can also buy a dog toothbrush and toothpaste that is designed for pets. You can even make some dog toothpaste at home using baking soda and water. Furthermore, you need to remember to just clean the exterior of your dog’s teeth. You don’t need to go all the way inside. His tongue will keep the teeth at the back clean.

In the case of a puppy, you have to start gently and get the little guy used the toothbrush or the fingertip scrubber. Plus, you need to gently massage his gums.

Always Use The Right Brushes And Combs

Remember always to use adequate brushes based on the type of coat your dog has. For dog breeds that have short hair, for example, Labradors, use combs that are designed to have shorter teeth. Plus, buy a curry comb – you will thank us later when you bath and dry the dog.

For dog breeds that have medium-length coats and have undercoats as well for example a Husky, get a quality single rake or double rake comb to be able to effectively reach deep inside his undercoat. You must also invest in good slicker brushes as well.

For dogs that have doodle-type coats, buy a pin brush. You can even get a straight comb or a slick brush as well.

For dog breeds that have long hair, for example, a Maltese, buy a straight or slicker brush or comb. However, you must also keep a double rake comb at hand as well. Double rake brushes are effective for admitting a thick undercoat.

For dog breeds that have wiry-hair, for example, the Brussels Griffon, you can use a matting comb. You can even go for a slicker brush.

Using Baby Powder

If your dog’s coat gets tangled all the time, the best thing you can do as a dog health and grooming practice is to apply some baby powder on his coat. Sprinkle a tiny amount all over his coat and gently massage the top of the coat. All the fur will gradually soften, enabling you to brush or comb his coat easily.

On top of that, your dog will also end up smelling pleasant.

10 Worrying Signs That Your Canine Buddy May Be Ill

Like humans, a dog’s health is subject to change, as he grows older. However, dog ages at a quicker pace compared to humans. Irrespective of what your dog’s age is, as his owner and friend, it is your responsibility to ensure you do everything you can to prevent him from developing serious illnesses and to help him fight different health conditions.

You have to do all you can to make sure he does not fall ill. It wouldn’t have been great if your dog could talk to you and tell you he is feeling ill.

Unfortunately, that isn't the case. Although your canine buddy can’t tell you what he is going through, there are symptoms and signs and changes in his temperament that act as important signs that can help you catch an illness before it gets out of hand.

Being aware of these symptoms is a sure shot way of preventing a lot of diseases and can help significantly minimize his chances of serious illnesses. Did you know that approximately 10% of family pets seem to be active and healthy to both their owners and the veterinarian, but have serious underlying conditions?

It is indeed a scary thought. In regards to this, mentioned below are some of the most common signs you need to look out for to determine whether or not your dog is ill:

  • Constant drooling and stinky breath
  • Uncommon water consumption and frequent urination
  • ​Drastic changes in appetite – sudden drop or increase in weight
  • ​Abrupt changes in routine – your dog may lose all interest in exercises or go on daily walks
  • ​Joint stiffness – he will have trouble climbing or traveling down the stairs
  • ​Excessive sleeping – changes in behavior and attitude
  • ​Unusual panting pauses in breathing or excessive sneezing
  • Itchy or dry skin, skin lesions, constantly shaking head or lumps
  • ​Frequent stomach problems – inability to digest food or unusual bowel movements
  • Red or dry eyes – cloudy eyes is also a bad sign

These dog health issues and dog illness symptoms can lead to serious medical condition or even worst. This is why if you spot these issues you must never hesitate or panic and immediately take him to the veterinarian for an intensive inspection.

When you go to the vet, ask him a series of dog health questions and preventative measure that you can take to help your canine friend.

Top 10 Tips On How To Take Care Of A Dog

You can never be too careful when it comes to ensuring your dog lives a happy and healthy life. This is why these ten dog health tips are important to practice:

1. Make Sure You Give Your Dog A Hygienic And Protected Environment To Live In

You need to do everything necessary for your dog to stay healthy. And the most essential thing you can do is to give a clean and hygienic space to live. You need to shelter him from potential hazards, for example, excessive cold or heat. Plus, your dog needs to stay in a place with ventilation.

2. The Water You Give Him Must Be Fresh

The dog needs to stay hydrated to keep their bodies active and energetic, much like us. This is why you need to provide your dog with a clean and fresh source of water. Always replace the water on a daily basis.

3. A Healthy And Natural Diet Is An Absolute Must

Dogs are highly susceptible to food allergies, which can also lead to numerous other types of medical problems. On the other hand, owners who feed their dogs too much are also putting them at risk.

Obese dogs can suffer from debilitating diseases such as diabetes and respiratory disorders. This is why it is important to feed the hypoallergenic foods that contain naturally and organically processed ingredients.

These for health dog food products also contain a powerful combination of vitamins and minerals, essential for muscle strength, brain development, and increased bone density. However, before you change your dog’s diet, consult with an experienced veterinarian.

4. Take Your Dog To The Vet Frequently For Detailed Inspections

It is important to take your dog to the vet every twice or thrice a month. The vet will thoroughly examine your dog and look for any underlying heart conditions or any other problems that your dog may have developed.

In addition to this, your vet will also provide you with detailed information on difference vaccination timings, parasite prevention control and deworm. You must always keep your dog’s vaccination records handy, especially when you travel anywhere outside the city or the country with him.

Immediately get in touch with your vet if your dog begins to act differently or any one of the signs above of dog illness.

Go to the vet if your dog sustains a minor injury.

5. Your Dog Needs Daily Exercise

You have to provide your dog all the necessary opportunities to stay active and to exercise whenever he can. Take him out for daily walks, play “catch the frisbee” with him in the park and ensure he participates with your in any healthy activity.

The more exercise he gets, the stronger he will become. He will also gain a lot of stamina, which will help him as he ages.

6. Establish Meaningful Acts Of Communication And Strengthen Your Bond With Him

Understand that these creatures are incredibly social and it is imperative for them to communicate with you on a constant basis. Spending a bit of quality time every day with your dog is a very useful method of understanding your buddy.

You will gradually begin to understand what he likes, what he doesn’t like. This will also help you identifying common signs of underlying health complications. This is also the best way for you to ensure your dog does not form an abrupt behavioral pattern.

7. Train Your Canine Companion To Obey And Follow Basic Commands

Dog training or puppy training classes is good for dog health and grooming. If your dog effectively learns to obey basic commands like “stand,” “sit” or “roll-over” or any other numerous commands the higher his chances are for living a healthy and long life.

8. Take Reproduction Control Into Account

If you don’t want your dog to have puppies, the best thing you can do is spay or neuter him. These are the most optimal techniques available. However, if you want to breed the canine for any reason at all, you must take all the right actions and do everything you can to eliminate the chances of mismating. This is where you must consult with your veterinarian.

9. Oral Hygiene Is Very Important

These conditions can, in turn, give birth to numerous other health complications, not to mention cause tooth loss as well. Clean his teeth every 2 to 3 days a week. You can use toothbrush and toothpaste designed for dogs. Remember, the bacteria in your dog’s mouth can travel down in his bloodstream and can cause cardiovascular issues.

10. Never Neglect Proper Dog Health And Grooming

A dog with a shiny coat means he is healthy and active. The only way to help him stay healthy and free from skin infections and other problems is to subject him to frequent dog health and grooming techniques mentioned earlier.

Important Things To Look Out For In Dog Grooming Tools And A Dog Grooming Kit

Dog health care supplies such as grooming scissors and dog grooming brushes or dog clippers are necessary components to keep your dog looking good, smelling fresh and disease free.

While there in no doubt that there are so many types of different products available and are designed to cater to varying dog breed there are still a lot of specifications that should be central in all dog grooming equipment.

Essential Products For Dog Health And Grooming You Must Have

  • A good dog hair brush
  • Special combs to effectively comb or remove matted fur
  • ​Dog shampoos
  • A quality and hypoallergenic sponge to help safely remove dirt, dust and other impurities
  • ​Toenail clippers to clip overgrown nails
  • Hair clippers to remove matted hair

Remember, these dog grooming tools come in different specifications and dimension based on the age of your dog and his breed.

This also includes how, thick, short or big his coat is. To determine the perfect supplies for dog grooming, it is important you discuss everything with your veterinarian. The following are some features that need to be in the dog grooming tools you buy:

  • The equipment must be safe and hypoallergenic
  • Must not cause skin irritation or allergies
  • Must keep your dog’s coat healthy and glossy

Dog Safety

One of the most critical factors you must keep in mind when shopping for dog grooming supplies is that they should be safe for the pooch.

For example, if your dog has sensitive skin, the brush or comb you are getting to demand his fur should be soft and not cause any irritation or discomfort. Plus, ensure the comb or brushes you buy to provide a gentle and comfortable massage and not tear or scratch his skin.

A Lot Of Grooming Products Aren't Good For Your Pooch

There are plenty of products that can cause skin allergies and discomfort to your dog. Mentioned below is what you should be careful about:

Irritant Grooming Supplies

Certain dog supplies might not suit your dog. For example, brushes that are manufactured using animal hair or synthetic materials could cause skin allergies. While it is impossible to determine how your pet will react to certain ingredients, the best thing you can do is test it on him to be sure. So, watch out for these symptoms after you use these supplies on your pooch:

  • Skin lesions or excessive itchiness
  • Flaky skin and dry coat
  • Reddish skin
  • Swelling in the skin

Bottom Line

So there you go everything you need to know and understand the importance of dog health and grooming and how to invest in the right grooming supplies for your best friend.